


BSU currently hosts all online and hybrid-online classes on the 黑板上 Learning Management System. 这里有一些有用的资源来支持你在黑板上的学业成功.  


教师和学生使用黑板上来共享信息和课程材料, 参与课堂活动和在线合作. 你们很多教员都在用黑板上远程授课. 您需要有互联网连接才能ladbrokes立博中文版黑板上. 为了获得最佳体验, 建议使用Chrome浏览器, 火狐, or Safari web browser; 黑板上 may not support other non-recommended browsers. 如果你是新来的黑板或需要复习, 参加学生黑板辅导课程, 或电子邮件 ITsupport@elahomecollection.com.

要登录BSU的黑板上,学生需要登录学生门户, mybsu.elahomecollection.com,然后点击“黑板”. 学生也可以直接浏览BSU的黑板上 bridgew.黑板上.com.

BSU有丰富的资源来帮助学生开始使用黑板上. 我们的 知识库文章 可以帮助学生回答我们收到的最常见的问题吗. 

黑板上 Ultra Base导航

BSU已经升级到黑板上的Ultra Base Navigation. 这 provides users with an updated user interface that allows users to view their courses and course materials quickly and easily. 看这个 介绍视频 以获得新用户界面的初始外观. 



BSU offers a 黑板上 tutorial course to show new students how to navigate through a 黑板上 course site. The course is set up to teach students about the various aspects of using 黑板上 for their online courses. While each professor may run their class differently and set up their 黑板上 site specific for their class' needs, the tutorial helps students learn how to complete the basic tasks that might be asked of them.





教师通常会要求学生通过黑板上提交作业. 当教师在黑板上发布作业链接时, 学生可以点击链接, 上传文件(接受各种文件格式), 或者在作业提交页面的指定文本框中填写他们的回答. 

经常复习功课, for most instructors will hold you accountable for course work lost to technical difficulties.  在黑板讨论作业或长篇论文考试问题上做出贡献时, 考虑用Word来写你的作品, 经常保存(或者确保启用了AutoSave), 然后将课文复制粘贴到黑板上中.



这 video will demonstrate how students can review feedback from their instructors on their assignments and tests.





这里有一些资源,以帮助学生在BSU 变焦的基础知识. 变焦 is a live web-conferencing tool that 教师 may choose to use to conduct their synchronous class sessions. 教师/工作人员也可以选择使用缩放与学生开放办公时间. 


无论您是需要在移动设备还是计算机上加入虚拟会议, 这些可下载的PDF说明 能帮你登录波士顿州立大学的变焦吗. 

If you have an existing 变焦 account using your BSU email address, visit http://bridgew.变焦.,然后点击“登录”来合并您的个人变焦 @bridge.拥有BSU专业企业许可证的edu帐户. Click the “Switch to the new account" button and then click “I Acknowledge and Switch" (ignore any warnings about privileges).

你也可以观看 这个短视频 获取更多变焦登录故障排除提示.


If you are maintaining separate personal accounts or using accounts from other institutions, 您需要注销一个帐户,然后登录到另一个帐户. 点击这里获取更多支持 在变焦的网站上进行账户切换. 


如果你的教授已经发布了变焦类的录音或视频讲座使用变焦, 你可以使用黑板上的缩放工具来ladbrokes立博中文版它. 



变焦 举办免费的每日在线研讨会   并且有一个 培训录象库.   

变焦也有一个 常见问题   常见问题列表.



联系IT支持: itsupport@elahomecollection.com or 508-531-2555


可能在某些时候,学生, 教师, 员工将使用微软团队进行虚拟会议. 一旦你设置好你的BSU用户帐户, 你已经可以使用Microsoft Office 365套件了, 包括微软团队. 学生可以选择使用这些应用程序的云版本, 或者下载这些应用程序的桌面版. 

登录BSU的Office 365

要登录Office 365并开始使用BSU的微软应用程序,只需转到 门户网站.elahomecollection.com,并输入您的FULL BSU电子邮件地址和密码. 

下载Office 365到您的计算机

 article from the Information Technology knowledge base has everything students need to know about downloading Office 365 apps for free using their BSU email account. Be sure to carefully read the instructions and check the system requirements needed in order to properly download these apps. 





In order to provide consolidated guidance on recording of material and activities in BSU classrooms and/or during University sponsored activities, 请参阅本指南的权限和要求. It is important to note that consent to record must be received in most cases according to Massachusetts law (MA General Laws Part IV, 标题我, 第272章, 第99节). 例外情况在此列出,作为本指导文件的一部分. 感谢您的支持,使课堂体验富有成效, 安全, 并为所有参与者提供便利.


If the student does not have a Letter of Accommodation granting the audio recording of lectures, then recording is at the professor’s discretion with notification of other parties being recorded (pursuant to Massachusetts law). 学生在使用任何设备录音之前必须征得许可. Faculty may notify participants of their intention to record using existing prompts sent automatically to all participants by recording technology platform.


如果学生有允许录音的住宿通知书, 然而, 录音必须是允许的. An exception would be only when the Professor asks all students to discontinue taking notes. 录音的功能主要是为了方便学生记笔记. For example, students may be in a discussion that elicits the sharing of personal information. The professor may guide the class to discontinue notetaking and recording to protect student anonymity. 这 would be an appropriate time to limit the recording of course content for all students.

双方同意法并不凌驾于《ladbrokes立博中文版》的合理住宿要求之上. The Disability 资源 Office consents to the recording through the Letter of Accommodation and the professor is notified that the class will be recorded. 教授不应该向全班宣布, 因为他们不会宣布任何其他具体的让步, but they could add a general accessibility 状态ment to their syllabus if they felt particularly compelled to:

根据ADA/504法律,本课程可以录音, but only with permission from the Office of Disability 资源 and notice to instructor(s).”

在知识产权方面, the instructor’s right to privacy or copyright does not override the students right to accommodation. 然而, students are required to delete all recordings at the end of the semester and notified recordings are only for their personal use. These expectations are communicated in writing to the student on their Letter of Accommodation.

For assistance navigating the topic of recording in the context of an approved accommodation, 请联系Jenna Shales, 残疾人资源办公室的副主任 jshales@elahomecollection.com  或致电508-531-2194.



Faculty concerned with the unapproved recording of classes or classroom discussions may refer such concerns to the Office of Community Standards. The Student Code of Conduct addresses alleged violations which include unapproved audio/visual recordings of classes either in person or virtual. 另外, all University policies such as the Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy apply.

To discuss any concerns related to the unauthorized or unapproved recording of and use thereof may be discussed with Peter Wiernicki, 导演, 社区标准办公室,地址 pwiernicki@elahomecollection.com 或致电508-531-1737.

如果相信联邦政府, 状态, 或者当地法律, 或者发生了侵犯他人合法权益的行为, the ladbrokes立博中文版 警察局 is available for consultation and assistance by calling 508-531-1212.

如果您使用的是Mac电脑,请查看我们的 领英学习视频培训系列 (需要BSU登录),以便更好地了解你的Mac电脑及其工作原理.


如果您使用的是Windows电脑,请查看我们的 领英学习视频培训系列 (BSU login required) to get better acquainted with your Windows computer and how it works. 


Spending some brief time on these tutorials could save you much time and considerable headaches down the road when problems arise.


学生可以找到他们的课程列表, ladbrokes立博中文版更多有用的资源, 校园通讯录, 并通过BSU移动应用程序与其他BSU学生保持联系. 有问题吗?? 在学生动态上发帖寻求帮助, 很有可能有人知道答案并准备提供帮助. 通过Google Play或Apple app Store下载免费移动应用程序.



BSU移动应用视频 了解为什么BSU学生称其为他们最喜欢的应用程序.


请联系IT服务中心处理 24/7/365 at itsupport@elahomecollection.com or 508.531.尽快. 提供尽可能多的细节, 包括截图, 以便IT服务中心为您提供最好的帮助. Contacting the IT Service Center initiates a ticket number which may also serve as documentation of your technical issue in case you want to share with your instructor the steps you’ve taken to address the issue.