

We are pleased to present the 年度综合财务报告 for ladbrokes立博中文版 (BSU) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. 审计报告传达了对该大学财务报表的未经修改的意见.

BSU is committed to providing our students with access to world-class learning opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom at a cost they can afford through careful management of public resources and student funds. 由于大学对财政资源的谨慎管理, 桥水已经能够投资于倡议和项目,以推进我们的最高优先事项:学生的成功.-->


审计报告传达了对该大学财务报表的未经修改的意见 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023. 下面的链接是最新的年度报告.

年度财务报告2022-2023 (pdf)
有几个因素促成了该大学财务状况的持续强劲, 包括:
  • 健全的财务规划、预算和管理;
  • 实施新的更有效的招聘策略, 包括向通用申请的转变, 开发一种新的虚拟旅游, 并加强了在Naviance(一个高中大学搜索平台)上的存在感。, 使得BSU迎来了历史上最大的新生班级;
  • 开发新的学术课程,以满足市场的关键需求, including BSU’s first engineering program in photonics/optical engineering and expanded offerings in the health sciences;
  • 为50岁以上的学员成功举办了为期6周的高级学院研讨会和课程;
  •  采用和扩大针对高危学生群体的留校策略, including development and scaling-up of a highly successful Summer Bears program facilitating the transition to college for students with lower GPAs and personalized interventions designed to keep students who may otherwise have left the university (e.g.(因为持有他们的账户);
  • Making significant new investments in financial aid (local aid has increased by 33 percent since 2015) and hiring a new director of financial aid to more effectively deploy resources to enhance recruitment and retention;
  • Hiring of a new Chief 发展 Officer and restructuring of the alumni relations and development functions within the president’s office to strengthen alumni engagement and enhance giving in anticipation of launching a major capital campaign in 2020;
  • 在预算编制过程中,将资源与大学的战略重点充分结合起来

BSU的财务状况仍然非常强劲. 在23财年,该大学实现了其净头寸从18万美元增加到1000万美元.从22财年的300万美元降至28美元.23财年为300万美元. 这一增长是由于国家拨款增加了4.4% due to strong state tax collections coupled with effective university advocacy for more equitable funding; an increase in state grants of more than $2 million; increased auxiliary revenues from the resurgence in residence hall occupancy rates from a low during the pandemic of 38% in Fall 2020 to 83% in Fall 2021 and 92% in Fall 2022; and strong budget management across the entire university. 该大学的初级储备比率为43.18%(减去GASB 68养老金和GASB 75 OPEB要求的影响)继续超过行业基准.


招生仍然是该大学面临的最大挑战, 这反映了大学出勤率的下降以及预计高中毕业生人数的减少. 尽管高中毕业生的数量从2012年到2022年增长了6%, 这些高中毕业生在州内上大学的人数下降了16%.同期增长了3%. The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on college enrollments that is still being felt because of the continued impact of small incoming classes in Fall 2020 and Fall 2021.

尽管有这些条件, 波士顿州立大学已经稳定了入学人数,并正在制定计划,以恢复入学人数的增长. 尽管2022年秋季入学人数下降了3%.2023年秋季的注册量略有增长,为4%.3%. In 2023-2024, the university’s Enrollment Management Committee (which was reorganized in Fall 2022) will adopt a new Strategic Enrollment Plan (9月2.,重点是进一步扩大我们的市场. With the impending “demographic cliff” – where the number of high school 研究生s is predicted to decline about 9% between 2025-2035, 9月2.将包括发展后传统的行动计划, 研究生, 兼职, 转学和LGBTQIA+入学. The university is also exploring options for growing our small population of international and Hispanic/Latinx students. 

除了多元化的市场和扩大市场份额的新生, BSU继续在保留和缩小机构成就差距方面成为创新的领导者. BSU的第一年到第二年的保留率继续超过我们的同行机构, 此外,该大学还在推广行之有效的留校策略, 包括全国认可的学生领航员模式和留校奖学金, 针对有风险的学生. BSU was one of 11 universities nationwide selected by the Gardner Institute to participate in its Transforming the Foundational Postsecondary Experience, which aims to reimagine the critical first two years of college education when students create the foundation for ultimate success and degree completion.

随着COVID的消退, 全国的高校都面临着一种新的心理健康流行病, 焦虑程度更高, 学生和员工的压力和抑郁. 作为JED基金会指定的校园, a new cross-divisional standing committee on Mental 健康 and 健康 will drive new approaches to meet the growing demand for mental health resources. 


经过两年的包容性进程,BSU制定了一项五年战略计划2.该计划将于2024年初获得该州的批准. The plan establishes 11 strategic priorities that will enable the university to continue to thrive in the face of a challenging higher education environment characterized by increased competition for students and resources, 公众对高等教育价值的怀疑, 不断变化的学生人口结构, 员工期望的转变, 以及前所未有的科技发展速度, 社会, 政治变革. 将引导大学向前发展. Those priorities include: innovation; a new work paradigm; mental health and wellness; racial justice and equity; physical facilities; capital campaign; affordability; BSU的作品 (workforce alignment); enrollment management; post-traditional learners; and Gateway Cities. 


BSU已获得国家批准其B.S. 目前正在接受2024年秋季入学的学生. 该领域的新硕士学位正在接受高等教育委员会的审查. 对这个项目的需求非常大,有成千上万的高薪职位空缺. The university is slated to open in February 2024 the most sophisticated cyber range in all of New England for training students (and municipalities, 执法, 非营利组织和私营企业)利用模拟网络攻击. A future on-campus Security Operations Center will afford students the opportunity to work alongside cybersecurity professionals on actual threat detection and response. 


2022-2023年,BSU继续对校园的延期维护和资本改善进行重大投资. 其中包括对麦克斯韦尔图书馆进行的维修和翻新, Burnell Hall and Shea-Durgin residence hall; accessibility upgrades in Tillinghast and Hunt Halls; and construction of a new outdoor fitness court, 等. BSU also secured an additional $8 million from the state (on top of an initial $25 million investment) for the renovation of Burnell Hall as the home of the College of Education and 健康 Sciences. The BSU Foundation also secured a property at 21 Park Terrace that will become the future home of the College of 研究生学习, 与战略招生计划2中对毕业生招聘的日益关注相一致.0 


In 2022-2023, 该大学的组成单位(BSU基金会和校友会)实现了6美元的净头寸增长.700万到67美元.700万年. 在FY23, BSU继续在2024年6月推出其“无例外”资本活动方面取得重大进展, 目标是将学校的捐赠增加到1亿美元. 建立捐赠基金将使在学生财务和其他支持方面的战略投资成为可能, BSU的作品, scaling new programs that drive student educational access and success and advancing BSU’s leadership in diverse areas from cyberbullying and racial equity to STEM and civics education. 毫无疑问,BSU的明星正在冉冉升起. This past year demonstrates that we are prepared to deal head-on with any number of emerging challenges while continuing to seize opportunities to that position BSU for a future that we can control.


弗雷德里克·W. 克拉克小.先生. 总统